Monday 14 March 2016

Asset list


Time to create

3 days

1 day
Katana carry strap (Wish List)

1 day
Sheath wrap

1 day

Chris Nichols - Artist #1

Chris Nichols is my chosen 3D artist that is involved in modelling and texturing and is based in Vancouver, Canada Chris started out as a prop modeler at Bardel Entertainment on ‘Viva PiƱata’ and has just finished 9 months at CIS Vancouver as a texture artist on the Clint Eastwood film ‘Invictus’. 

Chris Nichols’s work is relevant to my work because Chris is a 3D artist and makes 3D models, and I will also be making a 3D model, which will be my katana. Chris's work has effected my work because of the use of screen effects that Chris has used, an example of this is the lens dirt that you can see on the top left of the image below. This has inspired me to try and use screen effects on my work, one of the effects that I have applied to my model is ambient occlusion, which adds realistic shading to my 3D model. this has taught me to try and add screen effects of possible to again increase the detail and realism of the 3D model.

I chose this person because I am inspired by his work and the models that he creates; my favourite piece of work is, 

This is my favourite piece of work purely because of the level of detail and creativity used in this piece and because of the screen effects used like the particles and lens flares. I also like this model because of the realism used on the face and how photo realistic it looks. This image look similar to some pieces of art that are created by Cal Redback, this person designs art that combines people with nature to make it look like nature is taking over peoples’ bodies. 

Here are some other pieces of work that Chris has created; 

Peter Nowacki - Artist #2

Peter Nowacki is a 3D artist that is from Poland and is currently living in Warsaw, which is the capital of Poland. Peter is currently working at a production studio called Ars Thanea which is also based in the capital of Poland, Warsaw. Some of Peter’s skills include:
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Autodesk 3ds Max
  • Autodesk Mudbox
  • Pixologic Zbrush
  • Unreal Developer Kit
  • Cryengine3

Over the years Peter has featured in such things as:
  •        Creative Blog
  •          Expose 10
  •          3D World Magazine
  •          Computer Arts Magazine

Peter Nowacki's work is relevant to my work because Peter is a 3D artist and makes 3D models, and I will also be making a 3D model, which will be my katana. Peter's work has affected my work because he has inspired me with the amount of detail he includes in his work, this has made me go over my work and include more little details in my model, for example I have included engravings on the blade of my model for that extra detail. And for more of a worn effect which is what I was originally going for. This had taught me to take time with my work and not rush it, also to include as much detail as possible to make it look as good as possible. 

Peter stated that, “Graphics came to me in a really amazing way because everything stared from fantasy books and games that I used to play with my cousin when I was young. I'm an only child so, in my opinion, fantasy was my way of escape to magic worlds in my imagination.”
This is my favourite piece of work that Peter has produced because of the incredible amount of detail that he has included within this model, like the detail on the actual model of the lightsaber, and all of the detail in the background like the match boxes and all of extra metal pieces lying about everywhere. I also like the effects that he has added like the depth of field effect, I also like the lighting and shading he has used on this model as well as it also adds realism to the work.

Here are some other examples of work that Peter has produced:

Andrea Giordano - Artist #3 

Andrea works on digital art, visual effects, film, texturing and also 3D modelling as well. Andrea completed her Art and Design studies in Barcelona back in 2001 with a masters in animation, Andrea worked for 5 years as a creative designer, Andrea then started to focus on making something more enduring, which as a result made Andrea move to Vancouver where she graduated with another masters with a main focus on character modelling and texturing. 

Andrea Giordano’s work is relevant to my work because one of Andrea's strengths is digital sculpting which is the same as 3D modelling. I will be making a 3D model, which will be my katana. Andrea's work had effected my work because of the use of lighting Andrea has used on the 3rd image below. This has effects me because this makes me want to use lighting on my model as the lighting in Andrea's work makes her model come to life. I think that adding lighting would benefit my model as it would add more detail to my model and increase the realism which is what I am aiming for. This has taught me to try and learn how to use lighting in Maya and other programmes to use on my work in the future to bring my work to life. 

Andrea’s background in art and anatomy and her keen eye for detail has allowed her to follow her passion and work on a variety of different projects on the games, film and TV industries. 

Some of Andrea’s specialties include:
  • Texturing
  • Digital Sculpting
  • Character and Organic Modelling
  • Film and Games

Andrea’s talents have been recognised by many as she has worked on G.I. Joe: Retaliation as the lead texture artist at Digital Domain, Reliance MediaWorks, London. 

Andrea has also worked on:
  • Game of Thrones (Season 1)
  • Great Expectations
  • Sherlock Holmes 2

Here are some examples of Andrea’s work:

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